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Cataloxy Saint Francis...Companies in Saint FrancisRetail & TraderGeneral traders, department and retail storesWholesale tradeWheeler Equity Exchange

Wheeler Equity Exchange


Grain-Dealers (Wholesale)

Executives of Wheeler Equity Exchange:

Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) :

-HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (Dec 19) 423'6 0'4
-HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (Mar 20) 437'4 0'4
-HARD RED WINTER WHEAT (May 20) 446'6 0'4
-CORN (Dec 19) 388'6 1'0
-CORN (Mar 20) 400'4 0'6
-CORN (May 20) 407'4 1'2
-SOYBEANS (Nov 19) 935'4 1'6
-SOYBEANS (Jan 20) 949'2 1'0
-SOYBEANS (Mar 20) 961'2 1'6
-LIVE CATTLE (Oct 19) 110. 200 0. 325
-LIVE CATTLE (Dec 19) 115. 375 1. 550
-FEEDER CATTLE (Oct 19) 145. 050 1. 325
-FEEDER CATTLE (Nov 19) 144. 875 1. 250
-FEEDER CATTLE (Jan 20) 141. 475 1. 400
-Open the Tools menu and choose Options.
-Select the General category.
-Click the Use Current Page in the Home Page box area.
-Click the OK button.
Agricultural and plantation raw materials and products (wholesale)

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Wheeler Equity Exchange in Saint Francis you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1917

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 Phone: no specified
 Address: 1455 Road 19
67756, Saint Francis, Kansas

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Category of Wheeler Equity Exchange:

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