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Cataloxy Scott City...Companies in Scott CityRetail & TraderGeneral traders, department and retail storesSecond-hand equipmentScott Community Thrift Store

Scott Community Thrift Store

A website for the community of Scott City, Kansas describing local events, schools, people, and "Good Things".

Thrift Shops

Executives of Scott Community Thrift Store:
Manager, Joy Barnett

Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) :

anhydrous main image.jpg
Nitrogen is applied before the fall wheat is planted.
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Center pivot irrigation is an important agricultural practice in southwest Kansas.

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Wheat harvest in full swing. That is why Kansas is the "Wheat State"!
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Soybeans add to the diversity of crops grown in Scott County.

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The beauty of the rainbow after a July thunderstorm. A promise from God, remember?
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A Spring prickly pear bloom shines like the sun.

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Spring fertilizer and weed control are applied to a wheat field.
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Corn tassels embrace the brilliant blue Kansas sky.

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A soybean leaf expresses the beauty and intricacy of God's creation.
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"O give me a home, where the buffalo roam. " (Photo by Stan Hutchins. )

Choice Black Angus beef are produced for the conscientious consumer.
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Sunset on the broad western horizon.

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Pastures light up with the electric pink of June brambles.
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An artichoke blossom in my herb garden.
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The deep and rich russet of the Autumn grain sorghum crop.
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Spring goslings and their parents on Lake Scott. (Photo by Florence Daubert. ) photos-state park 012.jpg

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Lake Scott State Park is a wonderful get-away destination. (Photo by Florence Daubert. ) photos-state park 017.jpg
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Yucca dot the landscape of Scott County. (Photo by Florence Daubert. ) photos-state park 021.jpg

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The pasture lands of the Chalk Hills are perfect for grazing. Buffalo grass dominates and nourishes beef cattle.
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Native and cultured flowers dress up a garden border.

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The annual Memorial Day presentation at Scott County Cemetery is presented by the Wood Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Galen Kalbach brings the beauty of his everlastings to the annual Whimmydiddle. Stop by Scott City on the last Saturday in September!

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State basketball titles are becoming a nice tradition.
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Yes, it's all about high school football in Scott City!

An herb garden somewhere in Western Kansas.
-There is a "Scott City Trader" Facebook page? A lot of people are selling and buying things locally.
-That our "Useful Links" can list your local business website? FOR FREE! Use the "Contact Us" feature of this website if you are interested.
-That the Alliance Breadbasket is in need of breakfast cereal, canned vegetables, boxed dinners, deodorant, shampoo, toothpaste and toothbrushes, sugar, flour, beans, and rice? Please help out if you are able: 517 South Main Street.
Last Updated on Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Scott Community Thrift Store in Scott City you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 1988

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 Phone: no specified
Other means of contact:  facebook pinterest You Know? cataloxy
* When you call don't forget to inform that you've found the contact in Cataloxy
 Address: 517 S Main St
67871, Scott City, Kansas

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