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Comfort Designs Heating & Ac

Comfort Designs Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. specializes in Furnace, Air Conditioning and Indoor Air Quality. We also offer extended service hours. All work is guaranteed and done by qualified technicians. Call today!

Furnaces-Heating (Wholesale)

Executives of Comfort Designs Heating & Ac:
Owner, Bill Jeffries

Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) :

Wrong. Ask yourself, “Would having a good health insurance policy be a comfort if you started feeling chest pains, or would you wish you had gotten a physical, too?” A repair plan is only ‘after-the-fact' insurance-not preventative maintenance, or safety.
With a repair plan, you may achieve the goal of saving money on service bills, but, what about the goal of making your system last longer? And, even more important, how much faith can you have that your equipment is safe, when no one even looked at what they were about to insure?
In fact, if you have purchased a parts and labor insurance policy from someone, why wait 'til something that is going bad fails completely before you get it fixed? Many times a part can be diagnosed as faulty before it causes your whole system to fail.sort of like having a “complete physical” performed by a doctor so you can prevent problems and have it repaired through your warranty.
Hardware, plumbing, refrigerating, heating and air conditioning equipment and supplies (wholesale)

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Comfort Designs Heating & Ac in Spring Hill you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

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 Address: Po Box 453
66083, Spring Hill, Kansas

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